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Technology (TECH)

Level: Exemplary

I developed in the following areas related to this competency:

  • “Demonstrate adaptability in the face of fast paced technological change” (p. 33).

  • "Demonstrate awareness of one's digital identity and engage students in learning activities related to responsible digital communications and virtual community engagement as related to their digital reputation and identity" (p. 33).

  • “Ensure that one’s educational work with and service to students is inclusive of students participating in online and hybrid format courses and programs” (p. 33).

  • "Generate a wide and varied array of digital strategies for enhancing educational interventions with multimedia, interactive tools, and creativity-enhancing technologies" (p. 34)

Academic & Work Experience

  • 2020-2021 Online Experience:

    • Like many others living in the 2020-2021 Global Pandemic, my academic and work experience was interrupted and quickly moved over to a virtual format. I was still at my Enrollment Services position at IVCC when the pandemic forced my whole office to work from home. While using the support of our IT department, I quickly had to adjust my technology  and communication skills to a much different format. Utilizing ZOOM and Microsoft Teams, my office and I were still able to serve IVCC’s students efficiently and effectively with their enrollment and records needs. When I began the CSPA program and my Graduate Assistantship at Heartland Community College in August, we were still in an online format. Constantly working with online classes, meetings, activities, virtual presentations, and ensuring everyone was able to continue their work from home soon made us look like professionals with technology. Since the pandemic, I have gained a significant amount of knowledge with ZOOM, google Suites, Outlook, Microsoft Teams, and CampusLabs. The challenge of the Pandemic resulting in an online format certainly “demonstrates adaptability in the face of fast paced technological change”(p. 33), and because of this quick change and my adaptability to it, I am certain I will be able to adjust to other technological changes in the future. I also believe this experience has allowed me to “generate a wide and varied array of digital strategies for enhancing educational interventions with multimedia, interactive tools, and creativity-enhancing technologies” (p. 34).

  • Heartland Community College CampusLabs:

    • CampusLabs is a web based platform that offers integrated software and assessment tools for Higher Education. The Student Engagement Office uses CampusLabs (Get Involved@Heartland) as an interactive engagement platform for clubs and organizations to promote events, provide news articles, send out informational emails and surveys, and even conduct student organization election processes. As a staff member under Student Engagement and as the SGA Advisor, I oversaw SGA in updating their main page on Get Involved and in providing SGA meeting minutes, promotion, information, and surveys through the site to the HCC community. 

    • Get Involved Website

    • Get Involved (SGA Main Page)

  • Illinois Valley Community College Website Development:

    • During my internship at IVCC, I had the pleasure of observing the creation and launch of IVCC’s new website. I spent a significant amount of time with the Admissions team, who headed the project with Marketing, and assisted in creating multiple web pages on IVCC’s main website. I joined the team in several weekly meetings where we learned not only how to maneuver the website’s web development software, but we also learned how to ensure the web pages were accessible for everyone.



ACPA: College Student Educators International & NASPA − Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (2015). Professional competency areas for student affairs practitioners. Washington, DC: Authors. 

Retrieved from ​​

Technology: Welcome
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